Shropshire County Pension Fund online opt out form

Personal information

Please complete this online form if you don’t want to stay in the Local Government Pension Fund (LGPS).

Your employer can’t make you opt out of the scheme. If you’re asked or made to opt out against your wishes, tell the Pensions Regulator:

This form can only be filled in on or after the date you start the job from which you are opting out. Forms filled in before your start date can’t be accepted.

Opting back into the LGPS and joining your benefits together

If you opt out, you can re-join the scheme at any time before 75 if you qualify for membership. But, if you opt out (or opted out) of the LGPS on or after 11 April 2015, resulting in deferred benefits, and later re-join the LGPS, you can’t join the two periods of membership together. You will have two separate sets of pension benefits in the scheme.

Before opting out, have you thought about the 50/50 section?

The 50/50 section allows you to pay half your contributions in return for half your normal pension build up. You can find more information about moving to the 50/50 section, including a cost and benefit calculator and a 50/50 section form, on our website.

Automatic enrolment

To meet the automatic enrolment rules of the Pensions Act 2008, your employer must automatically bring you back into the LGPS every three years. You can opt out of the LGPS again at that time. If you change your job, your new employer will normally put you back into the pension scheme. But, you can opt out again from the date you start your new job.

Data Protection

For information about how we hold your data, who we share it with and what rights you have to ask for information from the fund, please see the privacy policy at the bottom of our website.

Please confirm you have read the above by checking the box.