Pensions Board live stream
The papers and agenda for the Pensions Board meeting, being held 10am at Shirehall on 19 July have now been published.
The purpose of the Board, which meets regularly throughout the year, is to assist Shropshire Council in fulfilling their responsibilities related to the LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme) rules, pensions legislation and guidance from The Pensions Regulator.
Pensions Boards must have equal numbers of representation from employers and scheme members. In Shropshire, we currently have three employer representatives and three member representatives, all of whom are volunteers. Current members are:
- Liz Furey - Employer representative.
- John Hall - Member representative.
- Madeline Murphy - Employer representative.
- Rebecca Summerlin - Member representative.
- Dave Wright - Member representative and Chair.
The Board also currently has a vacancy for an employer representative.
All Board meetings are live streamed and you can watch the meeting when it starts.
The agenda can be found on the Shropshire Council website
The next meeting is scheduled for 8 November 2024.