Employer news
Employers’ meeting – Reminder
The next employers’ meeting will be held on 14 November 2024.
The final agenda has still to be confirmed but will focus on the next fund's next triennial valuation due in 2025. We recommend that rele…
SAB survey thanks to employers
On 20 May 2024, The Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) issued a short survey to local government employers regarding opting out of the LGPS.
The SAB would like to thank all employers who took the time to re…
Pensions Dashboards data reminder
As the pensions industry prepares for connection to the pensions dashboards ecosystem, the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has published an updated version of data standards.
The Money and Pensio…
Audit informer document
The Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) have published an informer document to explain the timeline and information flow for the trienni…
ESFA as Guarantor of Academy Schools
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is the ultimate guarantor of academy schools.
In the light of this, The Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) has been asked to confirm its view that the ESFA is…
Payroll guide for AVCs
Do any of your employees pay Additional Voluntary Contributions? If so then it’s important for payments and payroll files to be sent to Prudential correctly, as it could mean:
Prudential won’t inve…
Benefits of Pensions Dashboards
The Pensions Dashboard project had a reset last year and a new connection deadline for all pension schemes of 31st October 2026 has been announced.
Pension Schemes will have to join in phases and th…
Employers’ meeting – save the date
The next employers’ meeting will be held on 14 November 2024
The agenda is still to be confirmed but, we recommend that relevant staff (those responsible for LGPS issues or working in finance) fro…
Have you informed us about flexible retirement
From the age of 55, a member may be able to flexibly retire with your agreement. It is important to make sure that you contact us when a member decides to take flexible retirement.
Employers must re…
Pensions Dashboard: Reminder that data matters
Most people will change jobs several times during their working life, meaning that they may have more than one pension pot. Pensions Dashboards is a government initiative which will enable all people…
Data collection key for Pensions Dashboard connection
Pensions dashboards are being created so that savers will be able to see their pension information in one place.
A saver will use dashboards to search the records of all pension schemes to confirm wh…
LGA Employer role training 2024
The LGA will be delivering their own employer role training courses throughout the year, providing you with up-to-date knowledge regarding scheme rules within the LGPS.
There are various opportuniti…
Gender pensions gap research – call for volunteers
As part of the ongoing work that the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) is doing on the gender pensions gap in the LGPS, the Scheme Advisory Board are looking for employers interested in taking part in furth…
Opting out of the LGPS
Membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is automatic in many cases, but a member may choose to cancel their membership if they do not wish to be in the scheme. This is called opting o…
We are looking for a new scheme employer representative to join our Pensions Board
A vacancy has arisen on the Pension Board for a new employer representative. The fund is currently seeking nominations from our employers to fill this role.
What is the Pensions Board?
The role of…
Dealing with absences
There are many types of member absences that you'll be faced with as an employer. It's important you know how to deal with these situations if they arise. Some examples include:
Unpaid leave of a…
Employee Contribution Bands – 2024/2025
The LGPS have released the 2024/2025 employee contribution bands for England and Wales, which will be effective from 1st April 2024.
The new bands have been calculated by increasing the 2023/24 contr…
Ill health retirements - a reminder
An ill-health retirement allows a member to retire before their normal pension age due to ill health. You as the employer must firstly decide whether the member meets the rules for an ill-health pensi…
McCloud update August 2023
As a result of its recent industry consultation, the Government has confirmed that the 1 October 2023 deadline for the McCloud remedy is expected to be met, with the new scheme remediable service regu…
Change to strain factors used in early retirement calculations- August 2023
Following the actuarial valuation in 2022, our actuary Mercers have undertaken a review of early retirement strain cost factors. These have now been confirmed.
The new factors can now be seen on th…
Annual allowance and lifetime allowance changes
Changes to pensions tax limits were announced in the Chancellor’s Spring budget on 15 March 2023.
They affect the two main allowances for pension savings – a lifetime allowance and an annual allowanc…
Employee contribution bands 2023/2024
Below are the employee contribution bands effective from 1 April 2023. These are calculated by increasing the 2022/23 employee contribution bands by the September 2022 CPI figure of 10.1 per cent and…
LGPS Statistics for 2021/2022
Statistics for the Local Government Pension Scheme nationally were published on 26 October 2022 by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Highlights include:
• total expenditure of…
Funding Strategy Statement Consultation 2022
The fund is required by the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations to prepare and publish a funding strategy statement (FSS). This document sets the fund’s strategy on how each fund employer’s pe…
Thank you for attending our Employer Meeting 2022- Please provide feedback!
Thank you to those who attended the fund’s 2022 employers meeting.
Your feedback is very important to us so we invite you to complete our Employers Meeting 2022 Feedback Form, which will only take 5…
Employers Meeting 2022 – Valuation
Registration is now open for our 2022 Employers Meeting. Book your place today!
Date: Wednesday 23rd November Time: 10am to 12pm Where: Webinar via MS Teams
The employers meeting is your opportuni…
Reminder about inducement to opt out
The fund has been made aware of a national issue involving a council job advert offering an additional cash allowance if staff opt out of the LGPS.
The fund is not aware of any employers in the Shrop…
LGA updates the Brief Scheme Guide
We’ve recently published our updated Brief Scheme Guide in line with changes from the LGA. You can find the latest version of the Brief Scheme guide on our forms and guides page. The most significant…
Guidance on special severance payments
On 12 May 2022, DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) published statutory guidance on special severance payments, which are additional payments, over and above statutory and con…
Payroll and HR guides updated
The HR and Payroll guides produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) covering HR and payroll issues for LGPS members have been updated. The updates are available on the LGPS regulation website…
Making a pensions decision? Let us know
The LGPS regulations require scheme employers to inform the fund of any first instance decisions made under regulation 72 of the LGPS Regulations 2013, concerning the ‘rights or liabilities’ of scheme…
Updated list of IRMPs
We've recently updated our list of approved Independent Registered Medical Practitioners (IRMPs), who assist with ill-health retirements. You’ll notice that Dr Boag is no longer on the list due to ret…
Employer role training
There are still places available on the following employer role training course run by the Local Government Association (LGA).
The course is based on the scheme rules for the Local Government Pension…
The McCloud remedy – an update
What is the McCloud case?
The case concerns the transitional protections given to scheme members, who in 2012 were within 10 years of their normal retirement age, in the judges and firefighters schem…
Are you thinking about outsourcing?
We have seen several delays in such outsourcings, where the admission agreement has not been put in place for the contract start date. We would like to take this opportunity to remind those of you who…
GDPR documents updated again
New versions of the full privacy notice and summary privacy notice have been uploaded to the Shropshire County Pension Fund website.
These notices have been further updated since the last news update…
Independent Registered Medical Practitioners (IRMPs) (1)
In our last news update we told you that three new independent registered medical practitioners (IRPMs) were added to our approved list. Dr Naeem and Dr Bland have still been added but Dr Rosalind Poo…
Dealing with employee absences
There are many types of member absences that you'll be faced with as an employer. It's important that you know how to deal with these situations if they arise.
Whatever the absence, don't forget that…
GDPR documents updated
New versions of the following General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) documents have been uploaded to the Shropshire County Pension Fund website.The updated documents are:• Template data retention…
New starter forms - are you using the most up-to-date version?
You must make sure that all your new starters are given a new member form. You should give this to your new employees when you are telling them about their pension options upon appointment.We have not…
Independent Registered Medical Practitioners (IRMPs)
At the 17 January 2022 Pensions Committee, three new independent registered medical practitioners (IRMPs) were added and one IRMP was removed from our approved list. Such requests must be approved by…
Change to strain factors used in early retirement calculations
On the advice of our actuary, we have reviewed the factors currently used in the calculation of early retirement strain costs. The factors were last updated as part of the introduction of the £95k Exi…
Do you want to join the Pensions Board?
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is one of the largest defined benefit (DB) schemes in the world and is the largest DB scheme in England and Wales, with 15,700 employers, 5.9m members and as…
HM Treasury cost control mechanism and discount rate methodology consultations
HM Treasury has published consultations on the cost control mechanism and the discount rate methodology with a written ministerial statement.
Both consultations are available to view on the non-schem…
MHCLG consultation on special severance payments
The Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has published a consultation on New best Value statutory guidance covering special severance payments for local authorities in England.…
Updated HR and payroll guides
The Local Government Authority (LGA) has recently published the 2021 versions of the HR and Payroll guides.
These guides are there help you with the day to day running of your HR and payroll departme…
New IRMPs approved for ill health retirements
Two new Independent Registered Medical Practitioners (IRMPs) were approved by the Pensions Committee on June 25th.
IRMPs are medical professionals, specialising in occupational health, who give fo…
Do you know how to process flexible retirements?
When you agree to a flexible retirement it's important that you do not automatically take the member out of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). Instead, you should continue to take the members…
McCloud remedy - latest position June 2021
What is the McCloud case?
The case concerns the transitional protections given to scheme members, who in 2012 were within 10 years of their normal retirement age, in the judges and firefighters schem…
Policy and Independent Registered Medical Practitioners updates
We recently sent you an email to let you know that we were updating our funding strategy statement and employer events policy.
This email included both policies and the planned updates for you to rev…
Future exit payment reform - caveat to accompany strain cost requests
Please note, the below caveat will be included on all strain cost requests received by Shropshire County Pension Fund.
'On 12 February 2021, HM Treasury [HMT] published the Exit Payment Cap Directio…
Important - £95k Exit Payment Cap revoked
In a surprising development on Friday 12th February 2021 , the government issued the Exit Payment Cap Directions 2021 which disapply parts of the Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations…
Exit payment cap update
On 10 April 2019, HM Treasury (HMT) opened a consultation on draft regulations, directions and guidance to bring in a £95k exit payment cap on public sector exit payments. ‘The Restriction of Public S…
Shropshire County Pension Fund reveals its carbon footprint
Shropshire County Pension Fund has become one of the first in the country to report on the carbon footprint of its £2 billion investment portfolio. Shropshire County Pension Fund has published its Cli…
Annual report 2019/20 now available
The fund's Annual Report & Accounts 2019/20 highlights the important issues affecting the fund over the previous financial year, together with full details about our administration performance. Th…
Appeals under IDRP
To make sure the fund is recording all appeals logged under the formal internal dispute resolution procedure (IDRP), we ask that our employers tell us about any IDRP stage 1 appeals.
An appeal can be…
LGA releases exit pay reform webinar for employers
The Local Government Association (LGA) held an informative webinar for scheme employers on 6 November which was recorded and can be viewed on the LGA website. The slides can also be found on this page…
MHCLG consultation on reforming local government exit pay
We recently told you that the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) published a consultation on restricting exit payments in local government in England and Wales. This closed…
Updated policy- member and employer comments welcome
The fund will soon be looking for a new scheme member and employer representatives to sit on the Pensions Board and also increasing how often meetings take place. The role of the Pension Board is to h…
Exit cap FAQs for members
To help explain how the reforms above could affect members, we’ve made some frequently asked questions (FAQs) which can be found on our members news page. Please feel free to share this page with your…
New regulations in place from 4 November 2020 that CAP public sector exit payments at £95k, and update on further reforms
On 10 April 2019, HM Treasury (HMT) opened a consultation on draft regulations, directions and guidance to bring in a £95k exit payment cap on public sector exit payments. This included p…
Employer meeting 2020 slides and recording now available
You can now take a look at this year's employer meeting slides. The meeting was held virtually on 21 October 2020 using Microsoft Teams.
A recording of the meeting is also available to watch now.
£95k exit payment cap legislation will become law on 4 November 2020
The £95k cap legislation has gone through the House of Commons meaning this legislation will become law on 4 November 2020, before the LGPS regulations are changed. The exit cap legislation is called…
Exit payment cap may become law later this month
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) consultation on reform of exit payments in local government:
Don’t forget, the consultation on the reform of exit payments in local gover…
Open consultation on reforming local government exit pay
Proposed changes to the LGPS regulations have been announced. These changes affect the automatic entitlement to unreduced pension benefits for members over age 55 who leave the scheme because of redun…
Pensions tax webinar - places available for employers
We've recently invited scheme members to a pensions tax webinar on the 9th October 2020 from 10am to 12pm which we're running with our Actuary, Mercer. We've only invited scheme members who we think m…
Agenda for the virtual employers meeting 2020 released!
Our annual employers meeting is being held on 21 October 2020 from 10am to 11.30am.
We’re pleased to be able to keep you up to date on the latest news affecting the Local Government Pension Scheme. L…
Reminder to review your discretions policy
We've recently made some minor changes to our discretions policy template, after the introduction of amendment regulations in 2018 and 2019. This template can be shared with employers. We'd like to re…
Exit payment cap consultation update- respond to consultation
Last month we let you know that HM Treasury had published the long awaited Government response to the consultation on restricting exit payments in the public sector to £95,000. This was followed by th…
Annual benefit statements
Annual benefit statements 2020 are now available online - make sure you tell your employees!As part of our requirements under the LGPS regulations, we release benefit statements to our members by 31st…
Employer training and resources
The Local Government Association (LGA) have created a new area of the LGPS website where scheme employers can find dedicated resources and guides about the employer role. The Employer Resources sectio…
McCloud update and consultation
Consultation on amendments to the statutory underpin and data collection exercise to start
On 16 July 2020, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) released a consultation o…
Exit payment cap consultation update
On 21 July 2020, HM Treasury published the long awaited Government response to the consultation on restricting exit payments in the public sector to £95,000. This was followed by the draft regulations…
McCloud FAQs released
McCloud court case - background
When the LGPS changed from a final salary to a career average pension scheme in 2014, protections for older scheme members were introduced. Similar protections were p…
Are you letting a contract affecting LGPS members? Please let us know.
Making sure transferring employees (or former employees on a re-tender) have pensions protection, is a legal requirement. In most cases, this means that they should have continued access to the LGPS.
Obtaining Independent Registered Medical Practitioners (IRMP) opinions during the pandemic
Association of Local Authority Medical Advisers (A L A M A) have confirmed that ill health applications should continue to progress during the pandemic. The following statement has been published on t…
Year end reminder- 30th April is nearly here
In March, the person in your organisation responsible for LGPS pension issues will have been sent an email setting out the year end requirements.
Attached to the email were:
Form lgs121a – Year e…
McCloud update
The Government has confirmed that the McCloud judgment applies to all public service pension schemes. We must remind you that LGPS members don’t need to make an employment tribunal claim for the remed…
Important – Furloughed LGPS members
We want to draw your attention to the questions about furloughed staff on the LGPS FAQ page as pension benefits will be affected if members aren't getting 100% of their usual pay. Furloughed members s…
Do you need an IAS19 or FRS101/102 calculation?
Our fund actuary, Mercer, has released a news alert about accounting assumptions used in IAS19 and FRS101/102 calculations this year. Mercer issue this alert every year, however this year it's more de…
New employer webinar page!
Keep up-to-date on our latest webinar news by visiting our new employer webinar page. Here you'll find all information about our previous webinars, including recordings and slides. We'll also post new…
Updated policies
Our communications policy and funding strategy statements have been updated. You can find these documents on the Fund strategies, policies and statements webpage, or under the Relates Pages link.
The LGPS and stock markets
We've recently sent out the following message to our members as advised by the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB).
"We want to remind our members that the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a define…
McCloud update- action for employers
When the government reformed public service pension schemes in 2014 and 2015, they introduced protections for older scheme members. The Court of Appeal ruled that younger members of the Judges’ and Fi…
Year end webinar recording and slides
Thank you to those of you who virtually attended our webinar on Thursday 12 March about the year end process.
We would appreciate any feedback. The feedback form can be found under Related Links.
Valuation results
If you attended our employer meeting in November you‘ll have been handed your initial valuation results on the day. Those of you who didn’t attend should have received your results by email.
To find…
Reminder about changes in employment
If you have employees who leave one role and start a new role the next day, we record this as a post number change unless you tell us it's a ‘new employment’, in which case, a PEN007 leavers form…
Funding strategy statement consultation
The Shropshire County Pension Fund is required by The Local Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 to prepare and publish a funding strategy statement ('FSS').
'Introduction to the LGPS' webinar slides and upcoming webinar
In January we ran our first webinar for our employers. Thank you to those who attended. The slides are now available to view by clicking the link under Documents.
Upcoming webinar on the year-end…
'My Pension Online' has been given a makeover!
Do your employees use My Pension Online to keep track of their LGPS pension?
Please let them know that it has a new look. The same information is still there but the layout makes it easier for memb…
Do you employ staff who are members of the NHS pension scheme?
Although not directly an LGPS issue, we’d like to make our employers aware that in November 2019, NHS England signed off on plans to pay the pension tax bills of clinicians if the tax charge arises in…
Pensions administration strategy statement updates
The pensions administration strategy statement has recently been updated. You can find this document on the Fund strategies, policies and statements page of our website or under Related Links.
The p…
Communications policy statement- We'd like your feedback
We have a communications policy statement which sets out how and when we communicate with you and our members. We use a variety of methods to make sure members can access their pension information whe…
Annual meeting 2019 video now online
The Shropshire County Pension Fund annual meeting took place on 28th November 2019 in the Council Chamber at the Shirehall. You can now watch the video of the meeting on the annual meeting web page.…
Pensions made simple - member videos
The ‘Pensions Made Simple’ member videos created in collaboration with the Local Government Association, are now available to view on our website.
There are seven short videos in total which cover a…
Update contacts and signatories in your organisation
We're currently reviewing the contact forms and authorising signatories we hold for all our employers. We'll be contacting employers whose details may be out of date. If you receive an email, please h…
Do you employ any casual or time-sheet staff?
When processing data for year end, we've noticed that some employers are not ceasing casual/ time-sheet staff and treating these members as leavers from the pension scheme, even when they haven’t work…
Latest news on McCloud judgement
Back in February, the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) paused the cost management process due to uncertainty surrounding an on-going court case, known as the McCloud and Sergeant case. As a reminder, the c…
Data retention policy for LGPS employers
The LGA has commissioned a data retention policy template which we encourage you to use and display on your website. The document sets out what data you should keep for members of the LGPS and for how…
Annual report for 2018/2019 published
The Fund's Annual Report & Accounts highlight the important issues affecting the Fund over the previous twelve months, together with full details about it's administration performance. Follow the…
LGPS 2014 payroll guide updated
The HR and Payroll guides have been updated and are available under the guides and sample documents page of the LGPS website (Link under 'Related Links').
The guides set out the requirements for payr…
Additional pension contributions (APCs) technical guide
The LGPS Secretariat has released further guidance for employers on how APCs work and how the amount of extra or lost pension purchased is added to a member’s active pension account.
You can find…
LGA responds to exit payment cap consultation
The Local Government Association have released a response to the government's consultation on restricting exit payments in the public sector. Their response can be found under Related Links.
Full scheme guide now available online
The LGPC Secretariat has released the latest LGPS full scheme guide for employees in England and Wales. This can be found on our Forms and Guides page, under 'Related Links', or by clicking the image…
New ill-health certificates
The LGA have recently released updated ill-health certificates for all ill-health retirements, Tier 3 reviews and deferred pensions into payment. These can be found on our ill-health pages in the empl…
SAB issues advice on cost cap and McCloud liabilities
Back in January we informed you of some scheme changes proposed by the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB), resulting from the cost management process taking place across all public service schemes including…
Local valuation cycle and management of employer risk consultation
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) have opened a twelve week policy consultation closing on 31 July 2019. It covers the following areas:
amendments to the local fund valu…
New ‘Thinking of retiring’ guides out now!
We’ve just released new guides for active and deferred members who are thinking of retiring. These guides will be useful for your active members who are approaching retirement age or for those membe…
Revival of the exit payment cap
Back in May 2015, the government announced its intention to cap exit payments for public sector workers. It was proposed that a cap of £95,000 would apply to all types of payments in relation to indiv…
Brief guide to actuarial valuation
What is an actuary?
In a nutshell, an actuary is a business professional who analyses the financial effects of risk. Actuaries use mathematics, statistics, and financial theory to study the uncertain…